Sunday, September 20, 2009

Scope or Cranial Tech

Ok so we are trying to decide between two companies. Scope ( is covered by our insurance. Cranial Tech is cash pay only. The problem here being that the plastic surgeon prefers Cranial Tech over Scope. He says that Scope kids' heads turn out ok. Cranial Tech kids' heads turn out looking good. So we researched between to two companies and so far we haven't found much of a difference. I have only found one person that knows Scope. They aren't too fond of it either. Alot of people in the field have never heard of Scope even though they have been around a lot longer than Cranial Tech. We are fighting with ourselves as to which way to go because it comes down to cash pay for Cranial Tech is $8,000 for two helmets which is what they are assuming she will need.

Does anyone have $8,000 laying around or information on Scope?

1 comment:

  1. We went with Cranial Tech and are very happy. Our insurance did cover 100% but our ped said that is rare. We were hoping to start a foundation to help people in your situation but haven't been able to yet. Ask Cranial Tech if they know any funds or foundations that might be able to assist. If that doesn't work, talk to your church to see if you can do a fund-raiser or two. Stacy was able to raise $3k for a charity through fund-raising.

